Good food for women with blood

For women, it is most important to have qi and blood for the winter. Cold weather in winter often makes it difficult for many women to parry. The woman's physiological characteristics determine that a woman's tonic needs blood and blood to regulate blood flow. In winter, women's hands and feet are cold, dizziness and anemia, irregular menstruation, and so on require blood qi, good body conditioning, and naturally have a good face.

Red rice

1, red rice

Red rice is rich in starch and vegetable protein, which can replenish consumed energy and maintain normal body temperature. It is rich in many nutrients, of which iron is the most abundant, so there is blood and prevent anemia.

Rich in phosphorus, vitamin A, B group, can improve malnutrition, night blindness and beriberi and other diseases; also can effectively relieve fatigue, lack of energy and insomnia and other symptoms. Containing pantothenic acid, vitamin E, glutathione and other substances have the effect of inhibiting carcinogens, especially for the prevention of colon cancer.

2, pumpkin

The famous doctor Chen Xiuyuan was praised as "the magic of blood". It is rich in vegetable protein, carotene, vitamins, essential amino acids, calcium, zinc, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, etc. Among them, cobalt is the constituent of vitamin B12. One of the important ingredients can help the red blood cells in the blood to work properly; zinc will directly affect the function of mature red blood cells; iron is the basic trace element to make hemoglobin, and they are all excellent nutrients for blood.


3, black dates

Dried jujube is the most respected is the black date and candied dates, they per 100 grams of iron in the 3.7 to 3.9 mg, can be considered a good food in the blood food, dry dates are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin C is to promote iron ions Absorption of important factors, so that the body's absorption of iron to do more with less. However, dried dates are rich in dietary fiber and are not conducive to digestion. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat too much daily, and it is best to eat soup and porridge.

4, purple currants

Purple grapes are good blood-fed fruits. After drying the grapes to dryness, the iron content per 100 g is 9.1 mg. In addition, during the drying process, the grapes retain the maximum skin potential of the grape skin (the nutrient content of the grape skin is much higher than that of the pulp), and are also beneficial to the retention of some nutrients in the raisins, such as iron, zinc, manganese, protein, and antioxidants. Substance etc.


5, carrots

Commonly known as carrots, Japanese people call carrots as ginseng. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene. This nutrient has excellent benefits for blood, and you can usually use carrot soup to make your meal soup a bloody soup that you can drink.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common anemia in our society. Apart from supplementing iron with food supplements or iron supplements, the underlying causes of iron deficiency and blood deficiency should also be taken care of, such as menorrhagia, peptic ulcer, malabsorption, and pregnancy. , long-term blood donors ... and so on, for different factors to choose the right way to improve the status of anemia is also very important!

6, longan meat

Longan meat is dried longan meat. Every summer, fresh longan is listed. Longan contains vitamins A, B, glucose and sucrose, etc., and it is rich in iron. Longan soup, longan wine and other foods are recommended for pregnant women and maternal consumption. It is a good blood food!

sugar cane

7. Mulberry dry

Mulberry dried fruit is currently the most abundant fruit and its products containing natural iron, 42.5 mg per 100 grams of iron, no fruit in the "blood fruit" of the title. It is generally recommended that dried porridge should be eaten by mulberries, and eating a bowl of mulberry rice porridge daily can not only increase blood but also can be used for beauty, but pregnant women should be used with caution.

8, sugarcane

In winter fruits, sugarcane, which is quite popular among people, also contains trace elements such as iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese. Among them, the highest content of iron is as high as nine milligrams per kilogram, ranking the highest in fruit. Therefore, there is the name of blood fruit. However, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, sugar cane is cold and people with spleen and stomach deficiency should eat less.

Black beans

9, red dates

Jujube is rich in vitamins, fructose and various amino acids. Chinese medicine believes that jujube is warm, nourishing blood, can improve blood circulation, and pharmacological studies have found that some ingredients contained in jujube can increase the red blood cell content in the blood, enhance the bone marrow to create the function, make the face ruddy. And longan collocation, not only blood uplift, you can beauty beauty, "love face" crush they may wish to try.

10, black beans

In ancient times, China has always thought that eating beans is beneficial. Most books will introduce black beans that can make people's hair black. In fact, black beans can also produce blood. The method of eating black beans follows everyone's preference. If it is after birth, it is recommended to use black beans to cook black chicken.


11, spinach

This is the most common vegetable. It is also a well-known blood-enriched food. Wave dishes are rich in iron-based carotenoids, so spinach can be considered an important food in blood-enriched vegetables. If you do not like carrots, eat more vegetables.

12, Nostoc

The color of the seaweed is very dark and does not look good, but the iron contained in the seaweed is high, and it can be used to make blood with the seaweed soup.

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