Autumn Health Tips What are the symptoms before the five internal organs?

Introduction: Fall Health Tips, What are the symptoms before the five internal organs? What should you watch out for in the fall health? When you have the following symptoms, it is very likely that you have a problem with your internal organs.

The heart, liver and other organs are called the five internal organs of humans. They have an extremely important influence on human health. However, in the fall, due to various reasons, it will lead to five internal organs. So what are the symptoms before the five internal organs get sick? By seeing these signals, you can understand exactly what went wrong, and naturally it's more effective when you treat them.

Heart disease: Cardiovascular disease is the number one disease affecting human health, and one-third of the world’s deaths are related to it. Li Mingzhou, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology at the Beijing Hospital of the Ministry of Health, told reporters that the “distress signals” issued by the heart include the following:

When an activity is flustered, she often feels flustered and chest tight. She will go upstairs and do some simple manual exercises to breathe and the heart rate will increase. In particular, this has not been obvious before. If it has been aggravated in the recent past, we must be careful of the heart.

Left hand pain, toothache: The pain of heart disease mostly appears in the middle of the chest. It lasts for several minutes or even ten minutes. It often involves the left forearm, left finger or left upper arm, or even the throat, neck or teeth. However, it is generally believed that the left shoulder or back pain is actually rare.

The pillow can be asleep when you are high: When you go to bed, you feel chest tight and lie flat on your back. You have to put a high pillow or you can rest halfway on it, indicating that the heart is weak.

Liver disease: Liver disease is called "the biggest invisible killer" because it has no symptoms at the beginning of the disease. However, Professor Liu Huiyi, chief physician of the Department of Hepatology at Beijing You'an Hospital, Capital Medical University, said that there are still some small signals that allow us to capture.

Seeing oily is disgusting: The liver is the largest digestive gland in the human body. When it has problems, it is mostly manifested in “eating”, such as having no appetite, not wanting to eat, seeing greasy food or smelling oil, nausea and stomach. The discomfort and discomfort of the department may be caused by hepatitis. If the right upper quadrant (lower rib of the right side) is pained after eating greasy food and is brought to the right shoulder or back, it may be gallbladder disease (cholecystitis, gallbladder stones, etc.).

Face yellow, itchy skin: When the liver is sick, the metabolic function of bile will be followed by obstacles, so that the bilirubin in the blood is elevated, so that the body changes in color, such as yellow face, yellow eyes, yellow skin, Yellow urine. As bile salts in the bile stimulate the skin's sensory nerve endings, skin itching can also occur.

Red palms: The redness of the hands, the hypothenar, and the palms of the fingers are red, as if they were coated with a layer of rouge, suggesting the possibility of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. There is also a "spider," which is bright red and resembles a spider. It appears on the face, neck, back of the hand, upper arm, chest and shoulders.

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