Roasted meat can reduce carcinogens

Research at the University of Kansas in the United States showed that when meat is cooked at high temperatures such as roasting, frying, and frying, it produces a substance called heterocyclic amine. Accumulation of this substance in the body poses a risk of inducing cancers such as gastric cancer and colon cancer.

Researchers compared the heterocyclic amine content of fresh beef and seasoned marinated beef and found that the cured meat contains more than 40% less heterocyclic amines than uncured ones. . After testing a variety of spices, it was found that meat cooked with cumin, curry, and rosemary produced the least carcinogens after cooking at high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to put a little salt for half an hour before grilling or frying meat, which not only tastes good but also reduces the production of carcinogens.

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