Technical points of paddy ducks

1. Requirements for stocking rice fields: Fields should be flat and the area should be at least 1 hectare. After 3 days of transplanting, the seedlings will begin to take root and return to green to be stocked. Stocking rice fields can be used to plant aquatic plants such as duckweed, arbor, etc., to increase the types and quantities of ducks' picking foods.

2, the choice of stocking ducks: should choose egg-type duck or egg and meat varieties, generally good as a duck.

3, duck stocking density and age: 180 to 225 ducks per hectare, should be stocked after 7 to 10 days of age, depending on the ambient temperature.

4. Aquaculture facilities: There should be simple duck houses and bathing pools in the stocking paddy fields for ducks to rest and clean their bodies. Perimeter is set around the rice fields to prevent ducks from escaping and pests.

5. Feeding and management: The ducks before stocking are raised in the conventional way, and the ducks in the rice field after stocking need to be supplemented with fine ingredients. During the day, the ducks are allowed to feed in the rice fields. At night, when returning to the sheds, they should be supplemented with concentrated feed for the ducks to feed freely. Regular feeding methods can be used to control the intake of concentrate feeds, enhance the foraging ability of the ducks, and save the feeding cost. Cope with ducks to make ducks form a good habit of behavior.

6, duck recycling: rice-duck commensal period of 45 to 60 days, rice earing Yanghua should be promptly after the duck from the paddy field recovery, duck can be listed for sale, ducks transferred into rearing rearing.

7. Prevention and control of epidemics: Immunization and prevention of major common diseases are routinely done.

Fried Crispy Food

Product name
Fried Garlic,fried garlic crisp,Crispy Fried garlic Flakes, Toasted Flavored Fried Garlic, Crispy fried garlic granules
Product description
Select the high quality Fresh, mature and clean garlic.

Peeling, sorting, rinsing,disinfecting, dicing, breading starch, fried.

Product name
fried shallot,fried shallot crisp,Fried Onion crispy,Crispy Fried Onion Flakes,
Crispy fried onion
Product description
Select the high quality Fresh, mature and clean wholesome bulb of the Allium cepa.Peeling, sorting, rinsing,disinfecting, dicing, breading starch, fried.

Crisp Fried Food,Fried Crispy Bugles Snacks Food,Fried Crispy Snack Food,Fried Crispy Onion Food

Laiwu Manhing Vegetables Fruits Corporation ,